Spring 2001
MT-A125 Seminar in Mathematics: Infinity, the Fourth Dimension, Primes and Chaos: Mathematical Thinking in the Real World
Web Links
Collected here are web links to pages related to topics we investigate during the semester.
- A wealth of information and activities about Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (for Section 2.2)
- A prime site for prime numbers (for Section 2.3)
- A selection of sites about Fermat's Last Theorem as indexed at Yahoo (for Section 2.3)
- Information about unsolved prime problems (for Section 2.3)
- You, too, can use full-strength public key codes (for Section 2.5)
- Alas, only a finite number of sites about infinity: an on-line course on infinity (at the University of Michigan); a brief tour of infinity ( a personal collection of pages by a web citizen); FAQ on large numbers (at the Math Forum); the Hilbert's Hotel page we used in class (at the University of Michigan site);
another version of the Hilbert (or Cardinality) Hotel story (a page from the MegaMath project at the Los Alamos National Laboratory) (for Chapter 3).
- Stretch out into the twilight zone with these sites on the fourth dimension: Links to various fourth dimension resources; a page of resources, developed for a sophomore colloquium course "The Modern World" at the University of Kentucky (one of the links is to the reading for Wednesday 2/28, "... And He Built a Crooked House --" by Robert A. Heinlein); the reading for Monday 2/26, "Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions" by Edwin A. Abbott; resources on the fourth dimension developed for Math Awareness Month 2000; short movies illustrating fourth dimension principles, used in a math course at Union College; short movies illustrating hyperspace structures, at Loughborough University in the U.K.; a student paper on the fourth dimension and art (with links to artwork, or see the Gallery page); a whimsical piece of luggage (for Section 4.7).
- More twists on Möbius bands and Klein bottles: Math That Makes You Go Wow (student work for a multi-disciplinary course at Yale); an animated crab swims in the surface of a Klein bottle (see also the game site below); Klein bottle + limericks (part of a larger site on the fourth dimension);games played on the surface of a torus or a Klein bottle; buy a Klein bottle (or not?) (for Section 5.2).
- To be or knot to be - an exhibit of knots (for Section 5.4).
- Dead or alive? - sites catalogued at Yahoo for Conway's Game of Life - also for online java examples; one nice page is www.math.com's (for Section 6.2).
- Among the chaos of fractal pages, these applets by Bob Devaney (at Boston University) are gems (for Section 6.3).
The contents of this site have not been approved by the Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Computer Science, the College of Arts and Sciences, or by Saint Louis University.