Business Calculus with Excel is a free, creative commons
licensed, text designed as a one semester course in calculus for
business students. The course was developed at Saint Louis
More details related to the philosophy behind the textbook are
available upon request.
In general, the book tries to follow the recommendations of the
MAA CRAFTY Curriculum Foundations Project,
particularly the report for Business
and Management.
Business Calculus with Excel is
written in PreTeXt, a free and open-source
authoring platform for creating the next generation of textbooks.
PreTeXt generates beautiful HTML output that is readable on a
smartphone and meets most user accessibility requirements.
The HTML version of the text is
available online.
Mirror sites are available at:
The University of
A PDF version is available for download.
An instructor using the text for the course may want to
look at available
resources and issues concerning local mirroring.
An instructor interested in the text may want to explore the philosophy
behind the text and how that led to decisions about what to
A note on spreadsheet choices: The text was written using Excel
at the request of the business school at SLU. When the
project was started, the solver add-in on Sheets had limited
capabilities. Since that time the Sheets Solver Add-in seems
to have acquired the same functionality as the Excel Solver
Add-in. I believe the test should work with Sheets.
Mike May -