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At the undergraduate level, the Department of Mathematics and Statistics offers both a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) and Bachelor of Science (B.S.). The B.S. degree trades some of SLU's liberal arts core for more depth in mathematics, statistics, and related technical fields. The B.A. degree is a liberal arts degree which can frequently be completed as a second major. The B.A. offers options, and can be completed as a traditional mathematics degree, with a statistics concentration, or following an option for teaching careers.  Many students choose to complete a secondary major in mathematics to complement their primary degree.

There are three Minors in Mathematics available. A pure mathematics minor follows the Calculus sequence with an introduction to modern mathematical reasoning. An engineering mathematics minor is highly customizable and fits well with most engineering degrees.  The actuarial math minor is appropriate for business students seeking greater mathematical depth.

The B.S. to M.A. Accelerated Program allows SLU undergradautes to continue their mathematics studies in graduate school at SLU, beginning coursework in their senior year and completing the Master's degree in only one additional year of graduate work.